Rishi Muni Durvasa.



        Hello Audience! I had read a book today, I came to know that the book is a very interesting thing, so I thought that they tell you the story. They are the great yogi rishiMuni Durvasa.

        In the Hindu mythology, the rishiDurvasa, also known as Durvasa, was a great rishi. In the Puranas, the rishiDurvasa is named along with the main rishis. RishiDurvasa has been remembered for ages, this great rishihas taught mankind the knowledge of Satyuga, Dwapara and Treta Yuga. RishiDurvasa is considered to be the form of Shiva, he was a great devotee of Shiva himself. Rishi Durvasa was very angry, just as Shiva's anger was not quickly calmed down, similarly his anger was also very dangerous. RishiDurvasa was highly respected by gods and deities, and he was respected wherever he went.

        Rishi Durvasa was the son of Shiva, but completely different from him. The easier it was to celebrate Lord Shiva, the more difficult it was to please Rishi Durvasa. But both were equally offended. The anger of rishiDurvasa was so strong, which at times became fatal for him. Due to anger, Durvasa used to punish, curse anyone, nobody was untouched by his anger.


        There are many stories related to the birth of rishiDurvasa. His father was Atri and mother Ansuiya. According to chapter 44 of the Brahmananda Purana, Brahma and Shiva ji once quarreled. In this quarrel, Shiva ji gets very angry. Due to the fear of their anger, all the deities hide here and there. Troubled by this, Parvati ji tells Shiva, because of this anger, it is now difficult for them to live together. Shiv ji realizes the mistake, and he decides that he will store his anger inside Ansuiya, the wife of rishiAttri. Inside the goddess Ansuiya, a child is born from this part of Shiva, whose name is Durvasa. Born to Shiva's anger, RishiDurvasa's nature was very angry and irritable like him.


        Apart from this, another legend is told for the birth of rishiDurvasa. RishiDurvasa's father Mahrishi Atri is said to be the flesh son of Brahma. The wife of Mahrishi Attri, Ansuiya was a devoted wife. His discussions of devotion were up to heaven. Then once Tridev Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh's wives Saraswati, Lakshmi and Parvati ji decided to test Anusuiya's husbandhood religion. The three goddesses sent their husbands to the Goddess Anasuiya's ashram to test them. Tridev could not win in front of Mata Ansuiya's Tapobal, and conceded defeat and started living with him as an infant. The three goddesses realized their mistake and prayed to Mata Ansuiya to free their husbands. Ansuiya kept his word. Then while going to Tridev, Goddess Anasuiya gives a boon that all three will take birth as their sons. After some time the goddess Anasuiya receives three sons Moon (form of Brahma ji), Dattatreya (form of Vishnu ji) and Durvasa (form of Shiva ji).


        According to another legend, Maharishi Atri and his wife Ansuiya have no children. Then Brahma ji says, but both of them do hard penance of Tridev on Mount Rakshakul to get children. Pleased with their penance, the three give them a boon that they will receive them as their sons. Then there is Soma as Brahma ji, Dutt as Vishnu ji and Durvasa ji as Shiva ji.


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