Road Tunne
The road tunnel construction is highly complex. Inherently involves many risk-prone activities like excavation and lining, transportation of materials, use of explosive, drilling and blasting, scaling and mucking, ventilation and noise protection excavation, handling of tunnel machinery, etc. The risk increases especially, construction of poor rock conditions and longer lengthy tunnel. Hence, safety during construction is crucial. (i) Chirwa Ghat twin tunnel project near Udaipur and(ii) Kuthiran tunnel in Kerala, in detail. I will provide more insight into safety during construction and it also identifies a gap in safety practices for improvement. The study describes the general and specific requirements for safety during construction. The basic aspect of safety such as personal protective equipment, access control equipment, lighting, ventilation, and safety systems at the workplace are presented in detail. Tools and methods for identifying risk in working conditions are also discussed in the study. Then the observations have been discussed for all general and specific requirements on both the tunnels and gaps are identified in the field practices. The remedial measures and precautions for various high risk involving activities like drilling and blasting are presented in the study thus the study will contribute to providing a detailed insight of safety scenarios during road tunnel construction and identifies the gaps for improvement in current field practice in India.
Working in underground structures as well as tunnels is an inherently risk-prone. visible of this there's a responsibility for all stakeholders -owner, consultant, and constructor -in tunnel projects to make sure absolute safety during construction. Safety within the Construction of tunnels and underground structures should go hand in hand since working in underground space is inherently a hazardous undertaking. because the work goes within the noisy environment, in close quarters with frequently moving machinery, careful attention should be paid to the layout of worksites and workers must be protected all the time with necessary PPE, rescue kits, and quickly available emergency health services. Every step of the tunnel construction should be planned with safety in mind and with a slogan that each person goes safe at the top of their shift.
However, due to rapid growth in transportation project worldwide and specifically in India, there is tremendous scope for improvement in the safety management during tunnel construction for workmen, material, plant and machinery.Safety Management Technique -Since each underground project has its own peculiarities and special features in view of topography, rock featuresetc., therefore, it is very essential for each tunnel project to. While the agencies concerned may adopt the standard provisions of their respective organizations, it is essential to have a project-specific safety plan, which is fully relevant to the particular site incorporating the geological and geotechnical data. The PSP should be prepared by the concerned construction agency and get it approved from the competent authority. The PSP should address all site-specific issues that will be encountered during construction operation. Also should elaborate, a way to tackle all the chance elements identified. Apart from this, all operations connected with the construction of the tunnel should be analyzed and appropriate safety precautions to be taken through the implementation of the PSP. In this continuation, two tunnels were taken for case study to assess the ground reality regarding the safety management actually taken place/or not, in accordance with the requirement, good.
Risk Assessment Techniques
- Rock Fall –Fall of rock blocks of major dimensions. The different mechanisms involved are wedge or planar failure
- Heading Collapse –failure of the heading/lining failure
- Daylight Collapse –lining failure of the heading that reaches the surface creating a crater
- Flooding –Comprises cases where the tunnel was invaded by large quantities of underground water
- Portal Failure –Particular Locations of a tunnel, where thereis less cover
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