Robet fultons


         Clermont the steamboat was launched in New york city on 18 August 1807. a beauty in its own way clermont was designed and brought to life by robert Fulton, an american inventor, engineer and especially an artist. A poor boy brought up in pennsylvania supported himself by selling his paintings and mechanical drawing I am reating an innovator which I read in the book of science and scientists an anthology of anecdotes to Know about it read on !
        When Fulton tested his steamship on the Mississippi rivewr fir the first time, a huge crowd gathered to see this great technological event . He started the operation of generating steam and after some time the steamship vibrated, smoke came out from the funnel but it did not move. the Crowd sadly exclaimed it will never move! But just after that the steamship slowly glided along the river and the crowd now fearfully exclaimed, 'It will never stop!' But dear friends, it stopped just when Fulton wanted it to thus completing a successful test.
        one among the crowd, had come on some business to Albany where the test this craft was now going New York. As he was also moving to New York, he thought it a good chance to the cavin looking for fulton When he saw one gentlemanly man engrossed in his own world, he presumed that he sae one gentlemanly man engrossed in his own world he presumed that he must be mr. Fulton his enquiry confirmed his hypothesis. Lest me account the conversation as written in the book to maintain the essence and relay to you the same.
        Mr. Fulton, I presume ?'
        'Yes, sir.'
        'can i have a passage down ?'
        'You can take a chance with us Sir.'
        the narrator then asked for the amount to
be paid and after a moment's hesitation an amount of six dollars was quoted which the narrator placed on his open hand. But when Fulton kept on looking at the money and did not respond, the narrator though there might be a miscount and so askrd him 'Is that right, Sir ? In a Faltering voice, a big tear brimming in hid eye, he said.
        'Excuse me, Sir, but my memory was busy as I Contemplated this, the first pecuniary aword I have ever recived For all my exertions’ in adapting steam to navigation. I should gladly commemorate the occasion over a bottle of wine with you, but really I am so poor. Every for that just Now.’
        Friends, Robert fulton is also the man behind Nautilus, the first practical submarine in history. Later in life he was honored profusely. Many cities streets and halls are named after him. His statues adorn the famous as I contemplated this first pecuniary award I have every received for all my exertions I have every received halls of fame. A 1940 Century Fox’s movie Little Now York is fictionalized version of his life. The words of literature, theatre, television all adopted stories from Fulton’s life
         Dear friend, Fulton was born more than two centuries ago and his inventions still motivate the young innovators to build new crafts and hold the threads left by him. Get inspired! Stay curious! 

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