American RIGHTS


What does our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and, way - of - life, mean, and represent, if we don't demand, all RIGHTS, are protected, and respected, and, not, merely, those, someone, agrees with, and prefers? One of these protected rights, is the Right to Assemble, which means, protesting, whenever, one feels, there is any degree of injustice, and/ or, inequity! Historians, often, point to, the Boston Tea Party, as one of the most relevant acts, of protesting, in the founding, and independence, of this nation. Instead of encouraging a country, which emphasizes, the, us - versus - them, mentality, and attitude, we need to open our minds, consider others perspectives, and demand our public officials, prioritize, the greater good, and try to bring - about, a true, meeting - of - the - minds, and an attitude of respecting the opinions, and rights of others, even if we disagree! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means, and represents, and, why it's important.


 1. Relevant: responsive/ responsible; respect; reach - out: How willing one is, to reach - out, to all, instead of merely, his supporters, are often, indicative of how he'll lead? We need leaders, who are responsive, and responsible, and proceeds, in a relevant way! The only way, to properly, serve and represent, all of us, is to respect everyone, regardless of political considerations!

2. Ideas; integrity; ideology/ ideals; imagination; innovate: What happens to the United States, if we don't prioritize the nation's ideology, and ideals, with an imagination, which will help us innovate, in a relevant, sustainable, needed manner? If ideas do not conform with genuine integrity, America loses!

3. Generate goodwill; greater good: Only, when the emphasis, is consistently, to generate goodwill, and prioritizes the greater good, will we be able to protect the core rights, freedoms, and necessities/ needs, of America, and Americans!

4. Head/ heart; healing; humane:
If we had humane leaders, they would seek healing others, and ensuring all our rights, and freedoms! To achieve this, requires, effectively, using, both, one's emotional, and logical components, in a head/ heart balance!

5. Timely; time - tested; trust; together: Shouldn't one of the primary responsibilities of our elected officials, be, to bring - us, together, for the common good? Why don't we demand, these people, earn our trust, by consistently, demonstrating, they will use time - tested approaches, strategies, etc, in a well-considered, timely manner?

 6. Systems/ systemic; stronger/ strengths; service; solutions; sustainable: Only, when, they focus on creating, and develop the best systems, to minimize, and address systemic issues, etc (such as systemic racism, etc), will they make us stronger, and effectively, take advantage of this nation's strengths! This requires emphasizing effective, rational, relevant service, and developing the finest, sustainable solutions, for the greater good!

We must demand all American freedoms, and RIGHTS, are consistent, prioritized, served, and represented! Wake up, America, before it's too late!


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